65637bd9 Catalytic converter

The catalytic converter is a reliable and simple device which does not demand maintenance.

However, there are facts about which the owner of the car has to know if he wants that the catalytic converter regularly worked during all service life.

Do not use gasoline with the content of tetraethyllead for gas station of the car on which the catalytic converter is installed – lead will cover precious metals, having reduced their efficiency, and eventually and will put the converter out of action.

If the engine begins to pass ignition, do not drive the car (or operate as little as possible), do not eliminate a malfunction source yet.

Do not try to start the engine, pushing or towing the car, it will lead to hit in the catalytic converter of not burned down fuel that will lead to its overheat after start of the engine.

Do not switch off ignition when the engine works with high speed, i.e. do not press an accelerator pedal before switching off of ignition at once.

Do not use additive to fuel or engine oil. They may contain the substances harmful to the catalytic converter.

Do not drive the car if the engine burns oil so strongly that blue smoke is visible.

Do not forget that the catalytic converter works at very high temperature. Therefore, do not stop the car in a high dry grass or on a heap of dry leaves after a long trip.

Do not forget that the catalytic converter is very fragile. Do not strike it at car repairs.

In certain cases the exhaust pipe can leave a sulfur smell (similar to a smell of rotten eggs). This frequent phenomenon for new cars on which the catalytic converter is installed. After several thousand kilometers of a run the smell has to disappear.

The catalytic converter on the car on which regular maintenance was carried out and which correctly operated has to serve from 80 000 to 150 000 km of a run. However, if before the expiration of this term, the catalytic converter loses efficiency, it needs to be replaced.