
7.2. Battery

The battery is in the left part of a motor compartment.


Standard batteries
1. At a small run of the car electrolyte density is recommended to check each 3 months.
2. At suspicion on malfunction of the battery compare electrolyte density in cells which has to differ no more than on 0,04. Otherwise plates are damaged, or there is an electrolyte leak.
3. If density differs in the specified limits, and the battery is discharged, then it should be loaded.
Unattended batteries
4. The condition of the battery is determined by the voltmeter or by the indicator.
5. The condition of the battery is determined by coloring of the indicator which depends on battery type (consult upon purchase).
6. When checking tension the voltmeter there have to pass not less than 6 hours after the last trip. Otherwise turn on before check driving beam of headlights on 30 pages.
7. The battery is completely discharged if tension is lower than 12,2 Century.
8. Remove the discharged battery and load.


Standard batteries
1. The battery is charged with the current equal 0,1 from capacity until density of electrolyte does not cease to change within not less than 4 hours.
2. The battery can also be charged with small current 1,5 A, having left for the night.
3. The forced charging is not recommended.
4. Electrolyte temperature at charging should not be above 38 °C.
Unattended batteries
5. Batteries of this type demand long charging (up to three days depending on category degree).
6. Partially discharged battery can be charged with the stabilized source with tension 13,9-14,9 B, within usually 3 hours up to the voltage of 12,5 V.
7. Completely discharged battery (with tension lower than 12,2 In) is recommended to be charged in a specialized workshop as in the course of a long charge constant control is necessary.


1. Turn off nuts and disconnect plugs (arrow) from poles (the first disconnects the negative plug).
2. Turn off nuts and remove a collar, unhook fastening hairpins.
3. Remove the battery and a plastic tray.


1. Installation is carried out upside-down.
2. At first the plug of a positive pole joins, then – negative.
3. Grease battery poles with technical vaseline.

Electrolyte density

It is above 25 °C
It is below 25 °C
Completely charged battery
1,21 – 1,23
1,27 – 1,29
Loaded for 70%
1,17 – 1,19
1,23 – 1,25
1,05 – 1,07
1,11 – 1,13