65637bd9 Block of cylinders and crankshaft


1. Remove all hinged units and sensors from the block of cylinders. For cleaning it is necessary to get caps also. For this purpose drill in caps on a small opening in which screw on the screw – the self-tapping screw. Caps are taken by pincers for heads of screws, or by means of a shock stripper.
2. Scrape off all remains of material of laying from the block of cylinders and from a framework of covers of radical bearings (in those engines in which the framework is provided), being careful not to damage the demountable condensed planes.
3. Remove all caps of oil channels (if are provided). These caps have very dense landing therefore their drilling with the subsequent passing by development can be necessary. At assembly of the engine replace all caps.
4. In case of strong pollution of a surface of the block of cylinders cleaning with steam is required.
5. After steam processing of the block once again repeat cleaning of lubricant openings and channels. Wash out all internal channels of the block of cylinders warm water until clear water begins to follow. Carefully dry the block and grease all demountable and polished surfaces with low-viscous oil to prevent emergence of a rust. Process of drying can be accelerated a purge of internal channels compressed air.
6. If the surface of the block of cylinders is polluted moderately, then it is possible to be limited to a wash of the block of cylinders a rigid brush and hot water (with a temperature excluding burns) with soap or detergent. Do not feel sorry for time and carefully wash out the block of cylinders. Irrespective of a way of cleaning very carefully wash out all internal lubricant channels and well dry. Oil walls of cylinders to prevent emergence of a rust.
7. Carving openings in the block should be cleared that will provide exact indications of the moment of an inhaling at assembly. Banish a carving a tap as it will allow to clear carving openings of dirt, traces of corrosion and the remains of sealant, and also to restore a carving. At an opportunity blow openings a stream of compressed air for removal of the remains of material from passing by a tap.


Good results are yielded by injection in openings of water and dispersive lubricants under the high pressure which are available on sale in long barrels with аэрозолью. When cleaning in such a way put on goggles.

8. Install new caps in the block of cylinders, previously having greased them with suitable sealant.
9. If assembly of the engine is postponed, then cover the block of cylinders with a polyethylene film to prevent hit of dirt and formation of a rust. Grease all demountable condensed surfaces that will protect them from corrosion.

Check of a state

1. Visually check existence on the block of cylinders of cracks and traces of corrosion. Check a condition of carvings in openings, note places with the stripped thread. If there were suspicions on leak of cooling liquid in the block of cylinders, then the block should be tested for tightness for what it is expedient to address the expert. At detection of defects repair the block (if it is possible), or replace.
2. Check existence of chips and zadir on the internal surfaces of cylinders. Check existence of a fillet in the top part of the cylinder, the fillet indicates the increased wear of the cylinder.
3. Check existence of chips and zadir on the internal surfaces of cylinders.
4. Measure the internal diameter of the cylinder in 10 mm from edge of the cylinder parallel to and perpendicular to an engine axis. Repeat measurements at distances of 60 and 100 mm from edge of the cylinder. By results of these six measurements define conicity and ovality of the cylinder.
5. Designations of dimensional groups of cylinders (are specified by shooters) are stamped on the demountable plane of the block under laying of a head of cylinders, near cylinders.
6. Check a condition of pistons and rings (see subsection The gap between the piston and the cylinder is defined as a difference of the measured diameters of the cylinder and piston.
7. Compare results with specified in (see subsection If any of the measured values goes beyond standard limits, then the cylinder needs to be chiseled under the next repair diameter and if it is impossible, then the block of cylinders should be replaced. To take the most correct further actions, consult at the expert. In the spare part pistons only of one repair size – 0,2 mm are delivered.
8. If a condition of pistons and cylinders satisfactory, and wear such is that the gap between the piston and the cylinder within norm, then is required only replacement of piston rings.
9. In this case cylinders are exposed only to a honningovaniye which provides the best to extra earnings of piston rings and their tight prileganiye to walls of cylinders.
10. Honningovaniye is usually carried out by means of a honningovalny head with the sprung stones which is inserted into the electric drill. It is also necessary to prepare kerosene or oil for a honningovaniye and rags. In the course of a honningovaniye periodically move the tool up and down in the cylinder, plentifully greasing cylinder walls.
11. After a honningovaniye on a surface of walls of the cylinder the structure of the thin lines which are crossed at an angle about 60 ° has to be formed. Do not remove excess material, finish a honningovaniye right after operational development of a surface. If new pistons are installed, then it must be kept in mind that the manufacturer of pistons can recommend processing of walls of cylinders with a bit different angle of crossing of lines. In this case observe the instruction of the manufacturer of pistons.
12. It is forbidden to get from the cylinder a honningovalny head during rotation, – at first wait for a full stop. Upon termination of carefully wipe the cylinder from oil. In the absence of the device for a honningovaniye or if you are not sure that you will be able qualitatively to execute this operation, it is necessary to address in a workshop where cylinders otkhonningut for a moderate payment.