
4.6.2. Engine temperature sensor

The signal from this sensor is used by the processor block for management of power supply systems and ignition, and also for turning on of the fan.

The sensor is screwed in the soaking-up collector.

The sensor represents the thermoresistor.

On the sensor the stabilized tension moves, and the removed signal is defined by change of current of the sensor at change of temperature.

In case of refusal the sensor (the control lamp on the dashboard lights up) the control is transferred to the reserve scheme which uses the initial parameters accepted by default.


1. For check of the sensor it is necessary to remove it and to measure resistance at different temperatures.
2. Check of the sensor on the car is forbidden.
3. Full check of a chain of the sensor and a control system of the engine is carried out in service of car service.


1. Disconnect the battery from weight.
2. On the cooled-down engine merge a part of liquid to thermoswitch level.
3. Disconnect the thermoswitch socket.
4. Carefully turn out the thermoswitch, remove a sealant (if it is provided).


1. Clear the thermoswitch and apply sealant on a carving.
2. Replace a sealant (if it is provided).
3. Further assembly is carried out upside-down.