
6.1.14. Exhaust system

On cars without converter the exhaust system consists of 3 sections – a reception pipe, intermediate section with the resonator and terminal section with the muffler.

On cars with converter the exhaust system consists of 4 sections – the same 3 sections and section of converter.

On all length of a pipe of the exhaust system are suspended on rubber support, pipes are connected by flanges.


Each of sections can be dismantled irrespective of the others. It is also possible to remove all system at once.

1. Lift the car and establish on supports (or come around on a hole or a platform).
Reception pipe
2. Turn off nuts of fastening of a reception pipe to a collector.
3. Turn off a bolt of fastening of a pipe to an arm.
4. Disconnect a pipe from a collector, remove laying.
5. Investigate flange connection and remove a pipe and laying.
Converter (on a part of cars)
6. Turn off two nuts and two bolts of fastening of a pipe to converter.
7. Turn off two bolts of fastening of an intermediate pipe to converter.
8. Remove converter and laying.
Intermediate pipe
9. On cars with converter turn off two bolts of fastening of an intermediate pipe and remove laying.
10. On cars without converter turn off two nuts and two bolts of fastening, remove springs and disconnect an intermediate pipe from a reception pipe. Remove laying.
11. On all cars turn off a bolt of a rubber pillow in a back part of an intermediate pipe.
12. Turn off bolts of fastening of an intermediate pipe to a terminal pipe of the muffler.
13. Remove an intermediate pipe and laying.
Terminal section of the muffler
14. Turn off two bolts of fastening to an intermediate pipe.
15. Unhook extensions and remove section.
All system
16. Turn off nuts of fastening of a reception pipe to a collector and a fastening bolt to an arm, disconnect a pipe from a collector, remove laying.
17. Working with the assistant, disconnect system from rubber pillows and remove from the car.
Thermal guards
18. Guards are established on a part of cars and fasten nuts, bolts and brackets.


1. Installation is carried out upside-down.
2. Before assembly replace laying and clear demountable surfaces.
3. Check a condition of pillows, if necessary replace.
4. Make sure that between pipes and the bottom there are sufficient gleams.