65637bd9 Block of cylinders

Designation of dimensional groups of cylinders and radical bearings of the crankshaft

A. Designation of dimensional groups of cylinders

B. Designation of dimensional groups of radical bearings of the crankshaft


1. Remove all hinged units from the block of cylinders, turn out sensors. Get caps for what drill in opening caps in which screw on the screw self-tapping screw and take pincers for heads of screws.
2. Carefully clear the block of cylinders of the remains of material of laying.
3. Remove all caps of oil channels (if are provided). These caps are wrapped very densely therefore their drilling with the subsequent passing by a tap can be necessary. At assembly of the engine replace all caps.
4. In case of strong pollution of a surface of the block of cylinders cleaning with steam is required.
5. After steam processing of the block once again repeat cleaning of lubricant openings and channels. Wash out all internal channels of the block of cylinders warm water until clear water begins to follow. Carefully dry the block and grease all demountable and polished surfaces to prevent corrosion.
6. If the surface of the block of cylinders is polluted moderately, then it is possible to be limited to a wash of the block of cylinders hot soap solution.
7. Clear carving openings and banish a carving a tap.
8. Wrap new caps, previously having greased them with sealant.
9. If assembly of the engine is postponed, then grease the planes of the block of cylinders and cover all block with a polyethylene film.


1. Visually check existence on the block of cylinders of cracks and traces of corrosion. Check a condition of carvings in openings, note places with the stripped thread. If there were suspicions on leak of cooling liquid in the block of cylinders, then the block should be tested for tightness for what it is necessary to address in a workshop. At detection of defects repair the block (if it is possible), or replace.
2. Check existence of chips and zadir on the internal surfaces of cylinders. Check existence of a fillet in the top part of the cylinder which indicates the increased wear of the cylinder.
3. Check existence of chips and zadir on the internal surfaces of cylinders.
4. Measure the internal diameter of the cylinder in 10 mm from edge of the cylinder parallel to and perpendicular to an engine axis. Repeat measurements at distances of 60 and 100 mm from edge of the cylinder. By results of these six measurements define conicity and ovality of the cylinder.


Designation of dimensional group is put with stamping in the basis of the block of cylinders from a flywheel. Two sets of designations - from four figures which indicate belonging of internal diameter of the cylinder to this dimensional group, and the fifth figure which belongs to beds of radical bearings of the crankshaft in the block of cylinders are put. The first in designation for cylinders indicates dimensional group of the 1st cylinder, and the 4th – dimensional group of the 4th cylinder (see rice. Designation of dimensional groups of cylinders and radical bearings of the crankshaft).

5. Check a condition of pistons and rings. Define a gap between the piston and the cylinder as a difference of the measured diameters of the cylinder and piston.
6. Compare results to standard. If any of the measured values goes beyond standard limits, then the cylinder needs to be chiseled under the next repair diameter and if it is impossible, then the block of cylinders should be replaced. To take the most correct further actions, consult at the expert.
7. If a condition of pistons and cylinders satisfactory, and wear such is that the gap between the piston and the cylinder within norm, then is required only replacement of piston rings.
8. In this case cylinders are exposed only to a honningovaniye which provides the best to extra earnings of piston rings and their tight prileganiye to walls of cylinders (it is carried out at car repair shop).