65637bd9 Installation and check of gaps in radical bearings

Selection of inserts of new radical bearings

The description concerns only radical bearings of the standard size. Repair inserts are not subdivided into dimensional groups.

New radical bearings are selected according to the identification codes applied on the crankshaft and on the block of cylinders.

On the crankshaft codes are put on a cheek of a neck of the 1st cylinder (from a chain cover). The code from five figures belongs to diameters of radical bearings, – the first figure means a code for the 1st radical neck of the crankshaft, and the fifth – a code for the 5th neck.


In some engines on a cheek of the crankshaft codes from four figures which indicate dimensional group of conrod bearings are also put (see subsection

On the block of cylinders dimensional codes are beaten out in the basis from a flywheel.

To pick up inserts of radical bearings it is necessary to learn dimensional group for boring under the insert which is beaten out on the block of cylinders and a code of dimensional group of the corresponding radical neck which is put on the crankshaft, and then to determine the necessary insert by the enclosed table, being guided on color marking which in the form of a point is applied on its side surface.

Code on the crankshaft
Code on the block of cylinders
Marking of a radical insert

Check of gaps in radical bearings

1. Clear an external surface of new radical inserts, the surfaces of boring under inserts in the block of cylinders and in covers of radical bearings.
2. Establish the top inserts, having combined ledges with deepenings in the block of cylinders (shooter).
3. Establish the lower inserts in covers, having also combined a ledge with deepening (it is specified by an arrow).
4. It is forbidden to touch a working surface of inserts with fingers. Keep in mind that on all top radical inserts the lubricant flute and an opening for an oil supply are provided. Lower inserts continuous. If the gap is checked on old inserts, then track that they were established on former places.
5. The gap can be checked in two ways.
6. When determining a gap establish by the first way covers (or a framework of covers) radical bearings together with inserts on the block of cylinders, tighten bolts with the set moment and measure the internal diameter of each collected couple of inserts. The gap in radical bearings is defined as a difference of this diameter and diameter of radical necks of the crankshaft.
7. The second way (more exact) consists in application of a plastic calibration wire.
8. Having established into place radical inserts, carefully put the crankshaft. Radical necks have to be dry and pure.
9. Prepare several pieces of a calibration plastic wire of Plastigage which length is a little less than width of radical bearings, and put on one piece on each radical neck of the crankshaft parallel to its axis.
10. Establish on covers with the lower inserts, without breaking their orientation.
11. Tighten bolts with the set moment, in the specified sequence. Tighten bolts with the identical, constantly increasing effort. During an inhaling the provision of a piece of a wire should not change, the turn of the crankshaft is not allowed.
12. In the sequence return specified turn off bolts of covers, turning off on one turn for reception.
13. Uncover (or a framework), without having violated situation flattened a provolok and without allowing turn of the crankshaft.
14. Compare width crushed a provolok with a scale on packing and define a gap in the radical bearing. Compare to standard value.
15. If the gap differs from standard, then the wrong selection of inserts can be the cause (or their increased wear if the inserts which were in operation were checked).
16. Before coming to a conclusion about need of replacement of inserts be convinced that between covers or the block of cylinders and an insert at measurement there were no dirt or oil.
17. If width of the flattened wire from one edge is more, then it indicates conicity of a neck.
18. If the gap differs from norm at measurements with old inserts, then repeat measurements with new inserts.
19. If and with new inserts the gap exceeds norm, then it is necessary to address for consultation in service of car service. It can be necessary to pereshlifovat necks of the crankshaft and to replace inserts repair.
20. If necessary get inserts of the corresponding dimensional group and repeat the procedure of measurement of a gap in radical bearings.
21. Upon termination of scratch out the remains of a calibration wire from radical necks of the crankshaft, without having damaged at the same time a surface.

Final installation of the crankshaft

1. Carefully get the crankshaft from the block of cylinders.
2. Establish inserts of radical bearings on places.
3. If new inserts are established, then carefully wash out them in kerosene.
4. Wipe dry inserts and rods.
5. Plentifully oil fresh for the engine of a surface of the inserts installed in the block of cylinders.
6. Grease with a thin layer of jellied lubricant persistent half rings and attach them on both parties of the 3rd radical bearing.
7. Pay attention to that lubricant flutes on both half rings were turned from the block of cylinders aside.
8. Install the crankshaft in the block of cylinders and check an axial side play.
9. Carefully clear the demountable planes of covers of radical bearings and the block of cylinders of lubricant.
10. Oil fresh for the engine of a surface of the lower inserts. Make sure that adjusting ledges on inserts come into deepenings in covers.
11. Establish covers on former places, being guided on the put tags.
12. Tighten bolts by hand.
13. Tighten bolts of covers in the specified sequence approximately to a half of the set moment. Then, having repeated the procedure, tighten bolts till the set moment.
14. Check freedom of rotation of the crankshaft.
15. Establish rods with pistons.
16. Put the tag specifying depth of landing of an epiploon in the holder and get an epiploon, having hooked it the screw-driver.
17. Press a new epiploon easy blows of the hammer, on depth which corresponds to the put tag.
18. Apply a strip of sealant on a demountable surface of the holder of an epiploon and install on the block of cylinders.
19. Tighten bolts with the set moment.
20. Establish a flywheel, chains of the drive of cam-shafts and the oil pallet.