
1.5.4. Obtaining road information from the RDS system (radio data)

1. The receiver will automatically switch in the mode of reception of the station broadcasting RDS information when switching to VHF range. When switching on the display the name of the relevant radio station and a symbol of RDS will appear. If to be adjusted on the new VHF station broadcasting RDS information, then on the display there will be a value of frequency, and through 5 with the name of the relevant radio station will appear.
2. Control for the necessary station which broadcasts road information is carried out by one of the next ways.
Control by programming, automatic search and manually
3. The order of control is described in subsection 1.5.2.
Control by scanning in all range
4. When on the display there is a symbol of TR (Traffic Program), it means that this station will broadcast road information and data of EON.
5. The receiver is switched to TI range by pressing of the TI button. At the same time on the display the symbol of "TI" will appear. If later 20 from later pressing of the TI button the receiver does not find the station, then search of the station on the basis of the list of alternative frequencies (AF list) which comes to an end at detection of the station will begin. The sound signal and a SEARCH symbol on the display warns about transition of the receiver to such mode.
6. If it is not possible to be adjusted on the station after single scanning in all range because of a weak signal, then scanning will repeat, but at hypersensibility what the symbol DX on the display will testify to. If the signal too weak, then the receiver stops search and on the display on 2 with NOTHING will appear. If during 20 more about the receiver it is not adjusted on the station of TI range, then scanning will be started anew.
7. When on the display there is TI, the receiver will accept the TI station only if control is made by search in the automatic mode.
8. If obtaining road information is required, and the station for which the receiver is ready, broadcasts other program, then press the TI button and hold until on the display the symbol does not appear THAT (Traffic Announcement). At emergence of this symbol the receiver ceases to adopt all programs, except road or if transfer of road information at the moment is absent and the cartridge is inserted into a player, then the player which is automatically switched off at the time of the beginning of broadcasting of road information joins. After the end of transfer or if the signal becomes weak, the previous program joins.
9. To come back from the mode of reception of road information to the usual mode, press the TI button and hold until from the display the symbol THAT does not disappear.
Control for the tracking mode on networks (NF mode).
10. It is used for search of the RDS station in all
to strip of frequencies. Press the NF button and hold no more than 2 with, at the same time the receiver will be adjusted on the RDS station, and the adopted program will not be interrupted. On the display NF symbol will appear. At deterioration in conditions of reception control for the station which broadcasts the same program will be made on the basis of the list of the alternative frequencies received from the RDS station
List of other EON networks (Enhanced Other Network)
11. If the RDS station (with data of EON) to which you listen, does not transfer road information in the TI and TA modes, then the receiver will automatically switch to the program broadcasting road information on the basis of the list of alternative frequencies of EON. After the end of transfer the previous program automatically joins. At the beginning and after switching sound signals are distributed.
12. For cancellation of the NF mode press the NF button and hold not less than 2 pages. When on the display there is a REGON symbol, the receiver will be adjusted on such RDS station which has an identical code of identification of the program (PI code). When on the display there is REG OFF symbol, the receiver will be adjusted on such RDS station which has an identical three-digit PI code.
13. If during 60 about the receiver does not find the RDS station, then there is a muffling of all programs and search of the station with an identical PI-code on the basis of the list of alternative frequencies (AF list) will begin. If because of a weak signal to find the station it is not possible, then search of all stations of VHF range will be started over again. The sound signal and a SEARCH symbol on the display warns about transition of the receiver to such mode
14. If it is not possible to be adjusted because of very weak signal, then search stops and on the display on 2 with the NOTHING symbol will appear. For cancellation of the NF mode press the NF button twice. The symbol of NF will disappear from the display.