
1.12.1. Start of the engine from the auxiliary battery

1. Connect the plug of a red starting cable to a positive pole of the discharged battery.
2. Connect other plug of a red starting cable to a positive pole of the additional (starting) battery.
3. Connect the plug of a black starting cable to a negative pole of the additional battery.
4. Connect other plug of a black cable to a bolt or an arm on the block of cylinders of the started engine at sufficient distance from the additional battery.
5. Make sure that starting cables are located at sufficient distance from the fan, belts and other moving details and cannot adjoin to them.
6. Start the engine from the additional battery, transfer to the mode of idling and disconnect cables upside-down.

At launch of the engine from the auxiliary battery observe the following precautionary measures:

Before connection of the auxiliary battery be convinced that ignition is switched off.

Make sure that all consumers (headlights, a heater, screen wipers, etc.) are disconnected.

Make sure that the rated voltage of the additional battery same, as at the battery on your car.

If the engine is launched from the battery installed on other car, then bodies of cars should not adjoin.

Make sure that the control lever of the check point is in neutral situation (or in situation Park if the car is equipped with automatic transmission).