
1.12.6. Replacement of lamps and safety locks

1. If do not burn one of headlights, a dimensional lamp or a signal of braking, then the pergoraniye of lamps is the most probable cause. A replacement procedure of lamps see in subsection 14.5. If both signals of braking do not burn, then malfunction of the switch is the reason.
2. If several control lamps, headlights, dimensional or back lamps do not burn, then the safety lock fused or conducting is faulty (see subsection 14.3). Safety locks are in a block on the forward panel from the driver.
3. Additional safety locks and breakers are in the assembly blocks mounted in a motor compartment on the right and at the left.

4. For replacement of a safety lock open a cover, having overcome effort of latches. pull for built-in the plastic holder and get a safety lock. Insert the new safety lock calculated on the same current, as replaced. Find out the reason of burn-out and eliminate.