65637bd9 водосчетчик промышленный, dn.

2.2.7. Check of leaks and condition of hoses

1. Examine all demountable connections of the engine, check existence of traces of dribbles of oil or cooling liquid from under laying and epiploons. Special attention should be paid to places about laying of a head of the block of cylinders, a cover of a head of cylinders, the oil pump and the oil pallet. Keep in mind that very weak leaks from under laying which develops throughout a wide interval of time and that only traces of considerable dribbles are subject to detection are allowed. At detection of leaks replace the corresponding laying or an epiploon, being guided by the corresponding chapters and sections of the description.
2. Check also reliability and a condition of fastening of all pipelines and hoses of the engine. Be convinced of reliability of fastening of conducting, available all collars, brackets and arms. Breakage or loss of details of installation leads to a mastication of wires and hoses and to serious breakages in the future.
3. Carefully check hoses of a radiator and a heater on all their length. At detection of swellings, cracks or mechanical damages replace hoses. Cracks on a hose are better visible at its bending. Pay special attention to collars which fix hoses to cooling system details. At compression of a hose a collar the anguish of a hose and development of a leak of cooling liquid is possible. All tape collars, or collars with an inhaling the forelock, it is desirable to replace with worm and screw collars.
4. Check existence of traces of dribble on all details of the cooling system (including hoses, demountable connections, etc.).
5. At detection of such traces on details of the cooling system replace this detail or laying.
6. On cars with automatic transmission check a condition of hoses of a cooler of transmission liquid.
7. Lift the car and check a condition of the fuel tank and a jellied mouth, existence on them of dents, cracks and other damages. Especially carefully check a pipe the connecting mouth with the fuel tank. Sometimes the leak from a mouth or a pipe develops because of weakening of collars or deterioration in a condition of rubber.
8. Carefully check all rubber hoses and metal tubes connected to the fuel tank. Check existence of the weakened connections, damages of tubes, a perezhatiya of hoses and other damages. Pay special attention to ventilating tubes and hoses which often wind a mouth and are pressed or get littered. Track a condition of hoses on all their length, to a forward part of the car. Replace the damaged sites of pipelines. Check a condition of all tubes and hoses of a hydraulic actuator of brakes.
9. In a motor compartment check reliability of fastening of all fuel hoses and unions, check existence on hoses of excesses, traces of attrition, cracks and hardenings.