
2.2. Service through each 15000 km or 6 months

Replacement of an oil filter, bottom view


If the order of maintenance was not observed a long time, then the checks described below and adjustments should be carried out as required.

Timely replacement of oil and the filter are the most important preventive categories of maintenance which the owner can independently execute. In process of aging of oil in the engine there is its fluidifying and pollution that leads to premature wear of the engine.

Before replacement of oil prepare all necessary tools and materials. It is the best of all to merge oil on the heated-up engine as hot oil quickly and completely is removed from the engine, entraining pollution. Work considerably becomes simpler if the car costs on a platform, a viewing hole, or is lifted on a jack and installed on supports. When changing oil horizontal position of the car, irrespective of a way of rise, or its such situation at which the drain stopper of the pallet is in the lowest point has to be supported.

1. Turn off a stopper of a maslozalivny mouth on a cover of a head of cylinders.
2. Turn off a drain stopper approximately on 1/2 turns. Substitute a vessel under a stopper and completely turn out a stopper. Remove a sealing ring from a stopper.
3. Merge oil, gradually moving the pallet is closer to a drain opening.
4. Wipe absolutely a stopper and a sealing ring. Check a condition of a sealing ring, at detection of damages replace a ring. Wipe the surface of the pallet around a drain opening, dress a ring, turn and tighten a stopper with the set moment.
5. The oil filter is on the right side of the block of cylinders, in its back part. Access to the filter is provided from below.
6. Substitute a vessel under the filter.
7. Weaken a filter inhaling a special key, then unscrew the filter hands. Merge oil from the filter in a vessel.
8. Wipe absolutely the place of consolidation of the filter on the engine, having removed the remains of oil and dirt. Examine the fulfilled filter, check existence of laying which could stick to the block of cylinders, remove laying.
9. Slightly oil laying of the new filter fresh for the engine and wrap the filter. After laying contacted with the surface of the block of cylinders, slightly tighten the filter, and then tighten on 2/3 turns.
10. Remove from under the car a vessel with the merged oil and the tool, lower the car.
11. Fill in a half of the required oil volume. Wait about 2 minutes that oil flew down in the pallet. Continue to fill in oil in the small portions until level does not reach the lower point in the probe. Bring level to the top mark in the probe, having added about 1,0 l of oil.
12. Start the engine and within two minutes you monitor emergence of leaks about an oil filter and a drain stopper. Keep in mind that the control lamp of emergency pressure of oil will go out in several seconds after launch of the engine, i.e. through time necessary for filling of an oil filter and oil channels. Until the lamp went out the engine has to idle only.
13. Stop the engine, two minutes later check oil level again, if necessary add.