65637bd9 Cam-shafts

In the description given below it is recommended to remove a chain, however it is necessary only if at assembly cam-shafts are exposed on tags which are provided on a chain by the manufacturer. If the piston of the 1st cylinder is exposed in compression step VMT (cm. subsection, tags on the conducted asterisks of cam-shafts can not coincide with chain links which have distinctive coloring (see subsection

Adjusting tags on links of a chain and on both asterisks can be put with the owner and be used for the correct orientation of asterisks during assembly. Such way is applicable under one condition – asterisks have to be established without the slightest violation of their initial orientation.

Tags of mutual orientation

To keep mutual orientation of an asterisk and chain it is expedient on each of asterisks and to apply tags of mutual orientation on a chain, to tie asterisks to a chain and to provide reliable mutual fixing see the drawing (the arrow specified a binding by means of an insulating tube).

This way demands special care, but has to facilitate significantly work to the owner of the car as need of removal of a cover of the chain drive of the mechanism of gas distribution disappears.

Sequence of an inhaling of bolts of covers of basic necks


1. Remove the ignition distributor (see subsection 7.7.4).
2. Remove a chain and the conducted asterisks of cam-shafts (see subsection If the chain remains on the engine, then put tags of mutual orientation (on rice. Tags of mutual orientation) also turn off bolts of asterisks (see the item 9 of subsection
3. All covers of basic necks of cam-shafts are identical, except for a forward (right) cover of a cam-shaft of final valves. Therefore before uncovering it is necessary to apply on them identification tags.
4. On the top part of covers the arrow indicating to the correct orientation of a cover at assembly is cast (all shooters have to specify towards a chain). On cam-shafts of inlet and final valves are available distinctive marking, – "I" on a cam-shaft inlet valves and "Е" on a cam-shaft final.
5. By means of a marker or a chertilka number all covers one after another, beginning from the lobbies located from a chain. Such measure provides installation of covers on former places at assembly.
6. Weaken an inhaling of bolts of fastening of covers of basic necks of cam-shafts, working in the sequence, return represented on rice. Sequence of an inhaling of bolts of covers of basic necks.
7. Weaken an inhaling of bolts in stages, on one turn for reception. It is necessary for uniform and gradual easing of efforts from springs of the valves operating on covers. After a full otpuskaniye of springs bolts can be turned out finally. Bolts of fastening of covers are divided by length on three dimensional groups therefore, remember an arrangement of bolts of covers in process of their otvorachivaniye.
8. Pick up the oil supply phone from covers of basic necks, and remove a maslootrazhatelny plate from the 2nd cover. Uncover a cam-shaft of final valves, then remove a cam-shaft.
9. Repeat actions according to subitem 6-8 and uncover a cam-shaft of inlet valves, then remove a cam-shaft (keep in mind what on these covers of a maslootrazhatelny plate is not present).

Check of a state

1. Examine the surfaces adjoining to basic necks of cam-shafts in covers and in a head of cylinders. Check existence on surfaces of zadir and traces of deep development. Check existence on cams of cam-shafts of traces of a vykrashivaniye of metal (sites of a bluish shade), deep development, chips, the flat sites formed owing to wear.
2. Establish a cam-shaft in prismatic support and by means of the arrow indicator check a beating in an average neck. If the beating exceeds norm, then replace a cam-shaft.
3. Measure by a micrometer the size of each of cams of cam-shafts and compare results with specified in subsection At detection of signs of damages or in case of the increased wear replace a cam-shaft.
4. Now check a gap in basic necks of a cam-shaft. It can be made in two ways, – or direct measurement, or by means of plastic caliber of Plastigage.
5. At measurement of a gap establish by a direct method covers of basic necks of cam-shafts in a head of cylinders, according to the tags put before dismantling not to break a former order and orientation. Establish a tube of a supply of oil and tighten bolts of covers with the set moment, in the sequence specified on rice. Sequence of an inhaling of bolts of covers of basic necks. Measure the internal diameter of basic surfaces of covers and compare with specified in subsection If internal diameter in any cover exceeds limit, then replace a head of cylinders.
6. The gap is defined as a difference of internal diameter of a basic surface of a cover and diameter of a basic neck.
7. At measurement of a gap by means of plastic caliber of Plastigage clear the pure fabric which is not leaving pile cam-shafts and the basic surfaces of necks in a head of cylinders and in covers. Lay cam-shafts in a head of cylinders.
8. Lay pieces of a plastic calibration wire along the surfaces of basic necks of cam-shafts parallel to their axis. Having taken the measures excluding turn of cam-shafts, perform operations which order is stated in subitem 3-11 (see below), except for the stage connected with putting sealant on covers.
9. Turn off bolts of fastening of covers (see item 6 above) and carefully get covers and a tube of supply of oil, without allowing rotation of cam-shafts.
10. Compare the greatest width of the crushed wire from each neck to a scale on packing of caliber and define a gap.
11. Compare result of measurement with specified in subsection If the gap exceeds norm, then measure by a micrometer diameter of a basic neck of a cam-shaft. If diameter is less maximum permissible, then replace a cam-shaft and again check gaps in basic necks. If gaps are still higher than norm, then replace a head of cylinders and a cover of basic necks.


1. Be convinced of correctness of gearing of each of levers with the corresponding hydroregulator and the directing disk installed on one of valves which are put in action by the lever.
2. Plentifully grease surfaces of a support of necks of a cam-shaft in a head of cylinders with pure oil for the engine.
3. Establish cam-shafts on the places in a head of cylinders. It is easy to distinguish a cam-shaft of final valves on a vent on the left side for the ignition distributor drive.
4. Make sure that the crankshaft is in the provision of VMT of a step of compression (the groove on a crankshaft sock under a spline has to be turned vertically up if to look on the right side of the engine).
5. Establish cam-shafts on the places in a head of cylinders so that cams of the 1st cylinder were turned from the corresponding valves aside, having oriented pins at end faces (are specified by shooters). At the correct provision of cam-shafts the adjusting pin of an asterisk of a cam-shaft of inlet valves in its forward part has to be directed for 10 hours (if to look on the right side of the engine), and the pin of a cam-shaft of final valves has to be in the top vertical position.
6. Be convinced of absolute purity of contact surfaces of covers of basic necks and beds of a head of cylinders, absence on these surfaces of any foreign inclusions and traces of oil. Apply a thin film of sealant on a demountable surface of an extreme left cover of a cam-shaft of final valves which is noted by inclined shading.
7. Establish covers of basic necks in a former order, being guided on the tags put when dismantling.
8. Establish a maslootrazhatelny plate on the 2nd cover of a cam-shaft of final valves, establish an oil supply tube.
9. Then establish oil supply tubes, having strengthened them on bolts of covers of basic necks. Wrap bolts of covers of basic necks and tighten by hand.
10. Tighten bolts of fastening of covers of a cam-shaft of inlet valves in the specified sequence. Tighten bolts evenly, gradually increasing effort, wrapping bolts on a turn at one time until covers do not adjoin to a head of cylinders (see rice. Sequence of an inhaling of bolts of covers of basic necks). Then tighten bolts with the set moment. Carry out an inhaling only in that order to provide uniform and gradual increase of effort from springs of valves to covers of basic necks.
11. Tighten bolts of covers of a cam-shaft of final valves, having repeated actions of the previous point.
12. Establish a chain and asterisks of cam-shafts (see subsection
13. If the chain was not removed, then dress asterisks on the corresponding cam-shafts, dress a chain, having precisely combined tags on a chain and on asterisks, put before dismantling. Wrap bolts of asterisks, previously having dressed on them washers, tighten bolts with the set moment.
14. Install the ignition distributor (see subsection 7.7.4).