65637bd9 Gaps in the mechanism of the drive of valves


Gaps in valves are checked only on the hot engine. The manufacturer established standard gaps for the heated-up and cold engine. Gaps on the cold engine are checked only before start of the engine after capital repairs. After warming up of the engine it is necessary to check gaps again.

Check and adjustment of gaps are carried out only after the considerable run of the car, capital repairs of the engine, or by search of the reasons of falling of engine capacity if there is a suspicion on malfunction of the mechanism of the drive of valves.

1. It is necessary to check gaps only in case of the increased noise from the drive of valves, after capital repairs of the engine, or in case of search of the reasons of falling of engine capacity if there is a suspicion on malfunction of the gas-distributing mechanism.
2. Sketch on the sheet of paper of an outline of the engine and specify an arrangement of cylinders from the 1st on the 4th, considering that the 1st cylinder is located from a cover of chains of the drive of cam-shafts. Specify the provision of each of valves, and also inscribe a gap which has to be observed according to specifications. At the image of the valve on the scheme draw two lines in which the measured gap and size at which it is required to correct a gap will be specified.


The manufacturer installs two groups of admissions of gaps in valves. One group – for check of gaps, and another – for adjustment and installation of gaps in valves. Admissions of test group are the greatest, however is strongly recommended to support all gaps within adjusting group of admissions (though observance of this condition and is not strictly necessary).

3. Warm up the engine, switch off ignition and uncover a head of cylinders.
4. Install the piston of the 1st cylinder in compression step VMT.
5. Measure by probes a gap between a cam of a cam-shaft and a pusher in the following valves, writing down each result:

  – the 1st cylinder – inlet and final valves;
  – the 2nd cylinder – inlet valves;
  – the 3rd cylinder – final valves.
6. Turn the crankshaft clockwise of an arrow on 360 °, having combined risk of VMT with the index. In this position of the crankshaft the piston of the 4th cylinder is in compression step VMT.
7. Measure a gap in the following valves, writing down each result:

  – the 2nd cylinder – final valves;
  – the 3rd cylinder – inlet valves;
  – the 4th cylinder – inlet and final valves.
8. Calculate and write down a difference between measured and standard gaps. If the gap in any valve differs from standard, then replace an adjusting washer of this valve, having picked up a new washer for thickness.
9. To get an adjusting washer it is necessary to wring out a pusher on sufficient distance, having overcome effort of a spring of the valve. For this purpose the cam-shaft should be turned so that the cam of the corresponding valve was turned from a pusher aside. Then turn a pusher so that the groove on it was located at right angle to a cam-shaft axis.
10. Having rested a rozhkovy key or the strong screw-driver against a cam-shaft, and working as the lever, wring out a pusher on sufficient distance that laying could slip out. Having removed laying, slowly release a pusher. If laying does not give in to removal, then it is necessary to remove a cam-shaft (cm. subsection
11. Thickness of adjusting laying is specified on its lower surface (for example 224 means thickness of 2,24 mm), however it is recommended to measure a washer by a micrometer as thickness can decrease owing to wear.


In the spare part washers with thickness from 2,00 to 2,98 mm with a step to 0,02 mm are delivered.

12. If the measured gap is less standard, then subtract the measured gap from standard, then subtract the received result from thickness of the removed washer.


The gap in the inlet valve is less than norm
The measured gap of 0,26 mm
Standard gap of 0,36 mm (from 0,32 to 0,40 mm)
Difference of 0,10 mm
Thickness of the established washer of 2,50 mm
The required thickness 2,50 - 0,10 = 2,40 mm

13. If the measured gap exceeds standard, then subtract the standard, then received result from the measured gap add to thickness of the removed washer.


The gap in the final valve exceeds norm
The measured gap of 0,51 mm
Standard gap of 0,41 mm (from 0,37 to 0,45 mm)
Difference of 0,10 mm
Thickness of the established washer of 2,76 mm
The required thickness 2,76 + 0,10 = 2,86 mm

14. Wring out a pusher, then establish into place an adjusting washer with the picked-up thickness so that the party with marking was turned down. Make sure that the washer is established correctly, then repeat the described procedure for other valves in which gaps differ from standard (if those are available).
15. Upon termination of adjustment of gaps turn the crankshaft on not less than 4 turns in the direction of normal rotation. Again check gaps in valves.
16. If all gaps meet standard, then establish a cover of a head of cylinders, establish other removed details.