65637bd9 Cam-shafts and pushers

Sequence of an inhaling of bolts of covers of basic necks of a cam-shaft

Before installation apply sealant on the shaded sites of the left cover of a cam-shaft of final valves.


1. Remove the ignition distributor.
2. Remove asterisks of cam-shafts.
3. Covers of forward and back basic necks of a cam-shaft differ from covers of other basic necks. On cars of late releases in the top part of covers identification symbols are cast (for a cam-shaft of final E2, E5 valves, inlet valves – I2, I5). On cars of early releases of number on covers of basic necks of cam-shafts can be absent therefore, before their removal it is necessary to put tags which have to specify serial number and orientation of a cover.
4. Weaken an inhaling of bolts of fastening of covers of basic necks of cam-shafts, working in the sequence, return specified on the scheme. Weaken an inhaling of bolts in stages, on one turn for reception. After that full otpuskaniye of springs bolts can be turned out finally. At first remove forward and back covers, then – covers of a cam-shaft of final valves. Uncover a cam-shaft of inlet valves in the last turn.
5. Get cam-shafts.
6. Spread out pushers and adjusting washers in the separate numbered packages.


1. Examine working surfaces in covers and in a head of cylinders. Check existence of zadir and traces of deep development. Check existence on cams of cam-shafts of traces of a vykrashivaniye of metal (sites of the bluish shade), deep development, chips formed owing to wear.
2. Check a beating in an average neck of a cam-shaft. If the beating exceeds norm, then replace a cam-shaft.
3. Measure by a micrometer the sizes of each of cams of cam-shafts and compare to standard. In case of the increased wear or at damages replace a cam-shaft.
4. Check a gap in basic necks of a cam-shaft. It can be made in two ways, – or direct measurement, or by means of plastic caliber.
5. At measurement of a gap establish by a direct method covers of basic necks of cam-shafts in a head of cylinders, observing former their order and orientation. Tighten bolts of covers with the set moment, in the sequence specified on the scheme.
6. Measure the internal diameter of basic surfaces of covers and compare to standard. If internal diameter in any cover exceeds limit, then replace a head of cylinders. The gap can be defined as a difference of internal diameter of an opening under a neck at the established cover and diameter of a basic neck of a cam-shaft.
7. At measurement of a gap by means of plastic caliber clear both cam-shafts and the basic surfaces of necks in a head of cylinders and in covers. Lay cam-shafts in a head of cylinders.
8. Lay pieces of a plastic calibration wire along the basic surfaces of necks of cam-shafts parallel to their axis, having taken the measures excluding turn of cam-shafts, establish cam-shafts and tighten covers (see below).
9. Turn off bolts of fastening of covers and carefully get covers, without allowing turn of cam-shafts.
10. Compare the greatest width of the crushed wire from each neck to a scale on packing of caliber.
11. Compare result of measurement to standard. If the gap exceeds norm, then measure by a micrometer diameter of a neck of a cam-shaft. If diameter is less maximum permissible, then replace a cam-shaft and again check gaps in basic necks. If the gap is still higher than norm, then replace a head of cylinders and a cover of basic necks.
12. Check existence of signs of wear on pushers and internal surfaces of a head of cylinders. If there are necessary measuring devices, then degree of wear can be estimated on a difference of diameters of a pusher and an opening in a head of cylinders. Compare the received gap with specified in subsection If necessary replace worn-out details.


1. Plentifully grease pushers and openings under pushers in a head of cylinders. Carefully insert pushers, without breaking an initial order of their installation. At installation the pusher should be entered into an opening without distortion. Insert adjusting washers into pushers, be convinced of correctness of their installation, then plentifully grease basic necks and cams of cam-shafts.
2. Establish cam-shafts. It is easy to distinguish a cam-shaft of final valves on vents for the ignition distributor drive from the left edge.
3. Make sure that the groove on a pulley of the crankshaft is combined with the index on a forward cover. Orient cam-shafts so that cams of the 1st cylinder were turned from the corresponding valves aside. At the correct provision of cam-shafts the adjusting pin of an asterisk of a cam-shaft of inlet valves in its forward part has to be directed for 9 hours (if to look from the right part of the engine), and the adjusting pin of a cam-shaft of final valves has to be in the top vertical position (for 12 hours).
4. Be convinced of absolute purity of contact surfaces of covers of basic necks and beds of a head of cylinders, absence on these surfaces of scratches and traces of oil. Apply a thin film of sealant on contact surfaces of an extreme left cover of a basic neck of a cam-shaft of final valves.
5. Establish covers of basic necks, being guided on the tags put at removal (or available).
6. Tighten bolts of fastening of covers in the sequence specified on the scheme. Tighten bolts evenly, gradually increasing effort, wrapping bolts on a turn at one time until covers do not adjoin to a head of cylinders. Then tighten bolts with the set moment. Carry out an inhaling only in that order to provide uniform and gradual increase of effort from springs of valves to covers of basic necks.
7. Establish asterisks of cam-shafts.


If the head of cylinders and cam-shafts were exposed to capital repairs, then before installation of a cover of a head of cylinders check gaps in valves on the cold engine.

8. Install the ignition distributor.
9. Check gaps in valves.