
2.3.8. Check of a suspension bracket and steering

1. Put the car on the emergency brake, lift a forward part of the car and establish on supports.
2. Examine rubber covers of spherical hinges and covers of the steering mechanism, check existence on them of cracks, anguishes and wear. Any damages on these details lead to lubricant loss, hit of dirt and water that results in the accelerated wear of hinges and details of the steering mechanism.
3. On cars with the hydraulic booster check a condition of hoses of a hydraulic actuator of a wheel, existence of aging traces for them and wear, check also tightness of all tubes and hoses in junctions with unions. Also check existence of leak of liquid under pressure from under rubber covers of the steering mechanism. Traces of a leak indicate failure of epiploons of steering transfer.
4. Shake a wheel in the vertical plane, having taken by the top and lower edges. Hardly notable movement of a wheel, however, is allowed if a side play noticeable, then it is necessary to find the reason. Ask the assistant to press a pedal of a brake and again shake a wheel in the vertical plane.
5. If the side play disappears, or considerably will decrease, then it failure of bearings of naves is the reason. If the side play when rocking a wheel during pressing a brake changes poorly, then spherical hinges of a suspension bracket, or detail of fastening of levers of a suspension bracket to a body are worn-out.
6. Shake a wheel in the horizontal plane. Any notable side play in this plane can be caused by wear of hug bearings or tips of steering drafts. At wear of internal or external tips the noticeable side play of a wheel will be observed.
7. For check of wear of plugs of a forward suspension bracket shake a detail in which the plug, is pressed by the big screw-driver or mount. The small side play owing to elasticity of rubber is allowed. The considerable side play in plugs will be swept easily up. Check also a condition of all visible rubber plugs, existence on them of cracks, stratification or swelling of rubber.
8. Lower the car and ask the assistant to turn a wheel in both parties on one eighth turns. The side play of a wheel has to be absent in general, we will allow also hardly noticeable side play. Otherwise carefully check all hinged connections of a suspension bracket, besides, check wear of the cardan hinge of a steering column, and also wear of details of steering transfer.

Check of depreciation racks of a forward suspension bracket

1. Check existence of traces of leak of liquid on the case of a depreciation rack, or on edges of a rubber cover of a rod. Any traces of a leak indicate internal defects of a rack and need of replacement of this knot.


Racks of a suspension bracket have to be replaced only in couple (with the right and left side).

2. Serviceability of shock-absorbers of racks can be checked sharply having pressed a forward part of a wing of the car. After an otpuskaniye the body has to come back to former situation, without making fluctuations.
3. Weak fluctuations of a body after pressing indicate possible malfunction of racks. Check wear of the top and lower fastening of racks.