
13.2.1. Body and bottom

The general condition of a body of the car is one of factors which very strongly influence the car price. Maintenance of a body very simple, however, has to be carried out regularly. The neglect technical service, especially after small damages, can quickly lead to further deterioration in a condition of a body and increase in cost of the subsequent repair. It is very important to watch a condition of those elements of the car which are not on a look, such as the body bottom, an internal surface of wheel niches and the lower part of a motive compartment.

The main form of care of a body is washing – it is desirable with a large amount of the water watered from a hose. It will remove all dirt which could stick to the car. Dirt needs to be washed away so that it did not scratch coloring. Wheel niches and the bottom of a body need also to be cleared regularly water to remove the gathered dirt which contains moisture and promotes formation of corrosion. As it is strange, but the best time for cleaning of the bottom and wheel niches is wet weather when dirt damp and soft. At very wet weather the bottom is cleared of the most part of deposits independently, and this time is the best for survey.

Periodically, if the wax sheeting is not applied only on the bottom of the car, it is recommended to clear the body bottom, and also a motive compartment by means of steam in order that it was possible to perform careful inspection and to define what small restoration or repair work is necessary.

Processing the ferry can be carried out in many auto repair shops, and it is necessary to remove all oil deposits which sometimes collect quite thick layer in some places on the bottom. If you cannot carry out processing by steam, use solvents which it is necessary to process the bottom by means of a brush, the formed dirt then it is possible just to wash away water. Pay attention that these methods are not recommended to be applied on cars with a protective wax covering of the bottom as it can be removed. Cars with such covering need to be examined every year, it is desirable before the winter period, at this bottom it is necessary to wash and restore a sheeting. Ideally, it is recommended to put completely new sheeting. Also, it is recommended to use such wax covering for filling of panels of doors with it, powders, box-shaped sections for additional protection against formation of a rust if such covering was not put with the producer.

After the painted surfaces are washed, wipe them suede for obtaining faultless purity of a surface. The layer of pure wax polishing will provide additional protection against the chemicals which are contained in air. If paint grew dull or was oxidized, process it the cleaning and polishing means for gloss restoration. This operation is quite labor-consuming, however such darkening usually happens because neglected a regular wash of the car. During the work with the painted metal surface it is necessary to be especially careful as for its processing it is necessary to use not abrasive cleaning and polishing means not to damage polishing. Always check that air and drain vents and tubes were pure in order that water could flow down freely. Chromic coverings need to be processed the same as painted. The oil film which is often formed on a windshield and glasses can be removed by means of suitable cleaner for glasses. For glass processing never use wax structures or the chromeplated polishing.