
3.3.21. Check / replacement of the valve of interruption in supply of fuel

The valve of interruption in supply of fuel on TNVD opens supply of fuel at inclusion of ignition. It should be checked if the engine is not started or continues to work at switching off of ignition.

1. Ask the assistant to include ignition, at the same time the valve has to click.
2. Disconnect shtekerny connection of the valve of interruption in supply of fuel.
3. Connect the voltmeter or a LED sampler for check of tension to the plug of a cable plait and weight. Include ignition of the battery (12B). Otherwise check conducting according to the scheme.
4. Connect an ohmmeter between contact of the valve and weight. Resistance has to be 0 Ohms.
5. If necessary turn out the valve and check ease of a piston stroke and a condition of a spring.
6. Insert the new valve of interruption in supply of fuel and tighten with effort 20 N. of m. Attach a cable.
7. Remove air from a power supply system.