
13.3.2. Repair of dents of a body

1. If on a body there is a deep dent, first of all, it needs to be curved so that the surface took almost initial form.
2. It does not make sense to try to restore precisely initial form as metal in the damaged area was stretched at blow, and he cannot give precisely initial form.
3. It is the best of all to restore a surface so that depth of a dent did not exceed 3 mm.
4. In case a dent not deep, in general you do not try to curve it.
5. If there is an access to a reverse side of the deformed surface, its form can try to be restored by means of a kiyanka with a soft head.
6. At the same time apply the wooden block to a front surface of a body to accumulate energy of blows and to prevent emergence of cambers.

In case the dent is in area of a body with the closing panel on inside or something else does this area inaccessible from the inside, it is necessary to apply the following method.

1. Drill several small openings in metal in the pressed area – especially in the deepest part.
2. Then twirl the long self-cut screws in openings so that they densely kept in metal.
3. Now the dent can be curved, having pulled for heads of screws by means of flat-nose pliers.
4. The following step is removal of paint from the damaged area, and also from area in several centimeters by means of the emery nozzle or a wire brush established on a drill around.
5. If you do not have these tools, it is possible to use an emery paper.
6. Finishing preparation for putting primer, scratch the surface of metal the screw-driver or a corner of a file, or drill small openings in the damaged area.
7. It will provide good gearing of primer.
8. For completion of repair execute the operations described in subsection 13.3.4.