
13.3.4. Putting primer and painting of a body

Before starting performance of the operations described in this section read the subsections devoted to elimination of dents (see subsection 13.3.2), scratches (see subsection 13.3.1), a rust and cracks (see subsection 13.3.3).

There are many types of primer, however, generally speaking, the sets including the container with priming paste and a tube with a hardener best of all will approach. The wide, flexible plastic or nylon small brush is simply necessary for receiving a plain and smooth surface.

1. Mix a small amount of primer on a pure piece of a cardboard – add exactly that quantity of a hardener which is necessary (follow instructions of the producer of primer), otherwise primer will harden too quickly or on the contrary, very at a distant day.
2. By means of a small brush apply primer on the prepared surface; carry out by a small brush on primer for alignment of a surface and distribution of primer on the required area.
3. After all necessary area is covered with primer, stop putting primer.
4. If you apply primer too long, it will thicken and will begin to stick to a small brush.
5. Continue to put primer layers through 20-minute intervals until the surface of primer is not slightly higher than the level of a surrounding surface.
6. After primer hardens, surplus of primer can be removed by means of a file.
7. Then it is necessary to use more and more small emery paper for processing of a surface. Always wrap an emery paper around the flat rubber or wooden block – otherwise the surface will not be absolutely flat.
8. At the last stages of processing of a surface of primer, paper needs to be washed out periodically in water. It will provide very equal polishing.
9. At this stage, the surface processed by primer has to be surrounded with a ring of pure metal which has to be in turn surrounded with an edge of good paint. Wash out the field of repair by clear water to wash away all dust formed as a result of polishing.
10. Cover all area with a thin layer of control paint – it will show all errors and roughnesses of a surface of filling.
11. Remove these roughnesses by means of drawing a new layer of primer. And again process the surface of filling a skin. Repeat this procedure of drawing a control paint coat and primer until you are not satisfied with the surface of primer, and it will not be level with the surrounding painted surface.
12. Clear the field of repair by clear water and let's a surface dry.
13. When using primer, it is recommended to mix it with cellulose solvent for formation of very liquid paste which is ideal for filling of small openings.
14. The field of repair is ready for the last stage now – paintings. Putting paint should be made in the dry, warm atmosphere without drafts and dust. It is easy for these conditions to correspond if you work in a workshop, but if you have to work in the open air, you should be very accurate in the choice of day for carrying out painting.
15. If you work indoors, then the covering of half of the room water will help you to get rid of dust which differently would remain in air.
16. If the field of repair is limited one of car body elements, protect surrounding elements from hit of paint on them; it will help to minimize effect of easy distinction in flowers of paint. Elements of finishing and other details (such as the chromeplated strips, handles of doors and so on) need also to be closed. Use an adhesive tape and several layers of newspapers for closing of adjacent surfaces.
17. Before to start painting, carefully stir up a spray paint, then you apply a paint coat on a control surface (an old can, for example) until you work technology of putting paint.
18. Cover the field of repair with a thick initial paint coat; necessary thickness should achieve, applying consistently paint coats, but not one thick layer.
19. By means of very small skin process the surface of initial painting until it is very equal and smooth. At the same time, the field of work should be washed out carefully water, as well as a skin. Allow the previous paint coat to dry before to put a new paint coat.
20. Put the last paint coat, again trying to obtain necessary thickness, applying consistently paint coats. Begin to apply paint at one edge of the processed surface and then, moving a hand here and there, process all surface demanding painting, and also the painted body surface in a radius about 4-6 cm from the processed surface.
21. Remove all sheetings approximately in 10–15 minutes after drawing the last paint coat.
22. Wait about two weeks that new paint hardened, then, by means of the polishing car or very thin abrasive paste, mix edges of new paint with old paint. After that, put a polishing layer.